Accurate situational awareness about current and near-term weather conditions is of vital importance to support timely decision-making and to ensure safe and efficient operations in aviation.
Aircraft air and ground operations are always affected by weather conditions:
- Can a pilot take off in the coming hours and land at the destination airport on arrival?
- How shall an aircraft avoid a newly observed cluster of thunderstorms cells en route?
- Should an airport prepare to move operations to a different runway as a result of changing wind-directions in the coming hours?
- Do emergency and rescue services have safe operating conditions?
- Is a pilot allowed to fly in these conditions given their license and the aircraft's constraints?
- Is there a risk of icing-conditions on a plane's flight route?
...and much more.
Meandair nowcasting provides accurate, localised and near real-time weather forecasts, critical for timely decision making. Meandair developed, validated and continues to develop its Weather Nowcasting Engine for the specific needs of aviation.
Meandair is first to bring nowcasting technology to the aviation industry.
The Meandair weather data products are integrated in various aviation flight planning solutions including for instance SkyDemon.
Read how our data is used by our partners below.